Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Porch Talk

I'm having way too much fun blogging this week. Don't worry, it won't last. My blogging desires are like snow storms (some light flurries, some blizzards, sometimes a whole winter of no snow).

I wanted to chat a little bit about the portico. I have been asked many times since becoming the official youth leader if I wanted to change the name of this youth group. Nope. Often, I am an advocate for name changes when something new and fresh is on the horizon. But I am attached to this name. I just like. It's different. It means a LOT to me. The portico name came sometime around 2004. It has seen several leaders, volunteers, and students come and go. But all in all, the porch is still standing. I think I like the name so much because of the southern connotation it holds. When I think about North Carolina spring and summer seasons, I often have an image of sitting outside. On my grandmother's porch their are several chairs, hanging baskets, and a swing. It's an amazing porch. So often after a delicious family meal, we will all congregate out there for hours and just talk. It's good porch talk. I love it. I feel warm, relaxed, engaged, and loved. I love to sit on a porch and just swing. No matter how life is going, in those moments it is perfect. I imagine this is a true glimpse of what God desires from us when He says, "be still and know that I am God". I can't help but breathe in His beauty and creation when I am sitting on a porch.

The portico name is a reference to the porch or colonnade that existed in Solomon's temple. It was a place that everyone could hang out at and chat. It was an invitation to gather together just before entering the temple. The people had fellowship on the portico. It was a place to talk and a place to listen. As the weather turns warmer, you will find me outside a lot more. Just sitting in the grass or if I can find a good rocking chair for my new patio, I'll be rocking! I urge you to find your portico. Then invite God over for some porch talk. Let Him talk and you just listen.

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